Sophia Myth in Gnostic Christianity
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   Sophia Myth
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The Sophia Myth

As one becomes more familiar with the Gnostic creation myth and the Gnostic belief that the world was created by an ignorant, false god, one will also be able to better appreciate the myth of Sophia. In Gnostic tradition, Sophia is regarded as wisdom. To the Gnostics, Sophia is the mother that emanated the demiurge (called Yaldabaoth, Sakla, Samael, and other names in Gnostic texts) without the permission of the Father.
While her fall from grace varies throughout different traditions and texts (in Sethian scriptures, Sophia merely produces the demiurge, while the Valentinians hold that she actually was separated into two entities, a lower and an upper being), Sophia is still regarded in Gnosticism as the bride of Christ and the female counterpart to God. Through her redemption through Christ, Sophia’s redemption is the central drama of the universe. Gnostics believe that Sophia is analogous to the human spirit and resides in each human as the divine spark. On the pages for each Gnostic sect, detailed accounts of their own Sophia myth are given.





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